Tuesday, January 15, 2008

iPhone with JuiceCaster

While most of what we saw at CES falls into the hardware category, there were a couple of companies showing off web applications that work with or are designed for the iPhone.

JuiceCaster lets you share and view videos online via your iPhone.

JuiceCaster is a social network site designed to let you share and view videos online. It automatically detects that you’re using an iPhone and displays videos in a compatible MPEG4 format. While iPhone users can’t record their own videos to upload, due to a lack of video recording functionality, you can also access the site via your Mac and embed the player on other social networking sites like MySpace and Xanga.

If it’s sharing music you’re into, FlyTunes is a forthcoming service that takes advantage of the thousands of available Internet radio stations to provide you with an unparalleled selection of music, streamed directly to your iPhone. Software installed on your PC or Mac works as a middleman, building a channel tailored to your musical preferences. And by caching 30 minutes of audio on your iPhone when a Wi-Fi signal is detected, FlyTunes doesn’t chew up your iPhone’s precious battery time.

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