Sunday, September 21, 2008

David Anthony of 21Ventures speaking in Memphis

Hey Folks, just wanted to share one of my videos with you, of me speaking in Memphis earlier this year.

You can also watch by clicking on this link - David Anthony Speaking in Memphis

JuiceCaster is Flutter on the iphone.

Hey folks, just wanted to tell you about one of the companies i invest in that now offers the cool new  flutter application for the iphone

If your an iphone user, you should check it out, 


If you have a blackberry, check out the

Have a good one,


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

some of my favorite sites, david anthony 21Ventures

I want to share with all of you a bunch of links to different sites that I would say are my "favorites" Please let me know if you have any other links you think i should be checking out on a regular basis. 

Wine Tours Israel Bang It Out   TheDaily Dose  Daily Trip Deals  CIA UK  Home Price Maps UN Guardian  Wikipedia  Israel Poster Center  DTF NC NY Sun  Economist   Google News
FoxNews  My Space  CNN  China  USA Today  al-Qaeda  How Stuff Works  NY Globes   Boston Globe   Drudge Report  Noldus  Chicago Tribune Arizona Republic    LA Times  Yahoo!North Korea   ABC  Reuters Yahoo News  BBC  msn  WorldNews MSNBC  Russia  Haaretz Illinois SchoolSucks Ohio NY Times  Michigan Penn  California Texas Florida CBSCanada eBay imdb Flickr UPS Google  Weather Cnet  ask Digg  ComCast MS  Target Amazon  CraigsList  Face Book  Live Blogger Appleaim  Monster About  goaol YouTube DavidAnthony BioPetroClean - Article about 21Ventures funding, David Anthony BioPetroClean Series A    BioPetroClean   21Ventures - Series A funding BPC David Amir -   The Eilat Ashkelon Line$200,000,  grant for solar energy research thanks to David Anthony of 21Ventures David Cahen Weizmann Institute grant from 21Ventures David Anthony 21Ventures and Quercus Donate to solar cause Solar Energy Grant Story Digg

get MMS on your iphone thanks to juicecaster

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to share with you some articles that came out this past week that I thought you might find interesting.

Anthony BioPetroClean
- Article about 21Ventures funding, David
Anthony BioPetro
Clean Series A

- Series A funding

David Amir -
The Eilat Ashkelon Line

grant for solar energy research thanks to David Anthony of 21Ventures

Cahen Weizmann Institute grant from 21Ventures

Anthony 21Ventures and Quercus Donate to solar cause

Energy Grant Story

, Digg

iphone get mms

gets iphone MMS
-Learn how u can now send MMS from your iPhone
using JuiceCaster.

Flutter, iphone and MMS
- what do they have to do with each other?

Hope you have enjoyed these, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about any of this and I'd be happy to forward you to the right person.